Well, this is invariably the beginning of any quilt (that involves any real planning) for me: a basic black and white sketch, with notes about what colors I want to use, some basic size ideas, and what inspired this particular sketch.

Yup, definitely time to tame the sewing room before I start up my sewing machine. I won't show off pictures - I'm too ashamed. Between my creative fits, and and Zeb playing, it's a disaster.

As clearly stated by the second image, I was inspired by a purchase of Omnigrid's new Flip-N-Cut Magic Templates. The link leads to Set 4, but all the sets are the same templates, just in different sizes. I think I bought Set 3.
Once I cracked open my templates, I realized that the scale of my vision would have to be reduced drastically, if I didn't want to buy another set of templates, which I don't, teehee. Nor do I really want to go exchange the things, mainly because I no longer have the receipt. I've also become quite content with the idea of this becoming a mini-quilt, anyway. I need some pretty stuff to put on my walls.
I was also inspired by the colors I used in my Modify Tradition Quilt, Modern Beauty: aqua, orange, yellow, lime green. I wrote in to add pink, for a little more in the way of brightness, to contrast against the (intended) gray of the asterisks.
I intend on recycling the borders I had planned on using on Modern Beauty, but I have to take them apart, so that I can intersperse the other colors. The borders are comprised of the yellow and aqua fabrics from the arcs of the New York Beauty blocks, sized 1" X 3". It's a nice size, perfect for the templates I have (I think).
The color of the asterisks may morph into a cherry red... I dropped the red fabric that I've been using in Japanese Disco on top of the borders, and really liked the way it popped off the blue and yellow, so I'll be doing some test pieces. Who knows? This could work out to be a whole series of asterisk based quilts.
And now, just to give myself a sense of perspective, so that I'm motivated to clean my sewing room before I get to sewing some more... My list of quilts in progress:
- Sandi's Family & Friends Baskets
- Japanese Disco
- Asterisks
- Flying Geese III
- Blockade Scrap Quilt (from my LiveJournal Birthday Block Swap)
Yup, definitely time to tame the sewing room before I start up my sewing machine. I won't show off pictures - I'm too ashamed. Between my creative fits, and and Zeb playing, it's a disaster.