Thursday, April 26, 2012

Breaking My Silence

April has been an interesting month! I don't think I've ever spent so much time sick.

I started the month with a rotten cold - so rotten I should have stayed home from work, but didn't because my direct supervisor was on vacation. That lasted a week. I had a lingering, terrible cough in the weeks since.

I was finally in the stages of kicking the cough and reclaiming my health last week. I even went to the gym and increased my resistance on all the weight devices, as well as my level on the reclining bike. I felt awesome, as long as my esophagus cooperated and let me go without coughing.

I even hopped on the dieting wagon, and starting tracking my calories. I'm attempting to stay between 1200 and 1500 calories per day. It's been surprisingly easy to do so. My normal eating habits aren't terrible to start with. I just needed to reduce some of the carb intake and manage my protein better. I'd already been cutting the junk food out, because it's really just stupidly expensive for junk food, and no one in my family needs it. The occasional treat is all right, but we can make healthier, tastier treats at home!

I made it through two sewing days (yay!) and got started on the Stich N' Bitch BOM project. It's so pretty! I'm so happy! I even picked up the pieces on the Skill Builder Series Sampler. It's not a lot - about four blocks into the BOM, and just components into the Sampler. Really, really, really pathetic considering how gangbusters I was last month.

Then, yesterday... Well, all right. Tuesday at about 4:00 PM - my body decided to rebel.  My tonsils got swollen. I started feeling like I was attempting to swallow glass shards. My muscles started aching.

I tried to live in denial for a little bit. It was difficult. Hubby claimed he'd started experiencing the same symptoms the day before. I ended up waking up several times Tuesday night, feeling progressively colder and worse. Sometime around 4:45 AM I realized that there was no way in bloody hell I was making it into work.

So, yesterday morning, I texted my supervisor, letting him know I wouldn't be in. And then hubby, kiddo and I all trundled off to Urgent Care, with grandma in tow to keep an eye on Zeb while hubby and I got checked out.

Turns out, all three of us have strep throat. Yeah... I blame the trip hubby and Zeb took to the Madison Zoo, as strep has shown up in the family they went to the zoo with. I'd blame work, but I'm in an office by myself most of the day, despite being on a college campus.

So, yeah, here I am. It's almost the end of the month, and I've got very little to show for it.

Oh, and no pics. My camera's broken for my birthday. I already told the hubby that I want a new camera. I just have to decide on a model.

On the weight loss front... I'm down to 215 pounds, down from 220. It's slow going, but it'll so be  worth it!!


**nicke... said... 1

oh no! feel better soon and great work with the weight loss! xo

Jane said... 2

Sorry you're sick, but congrats on the weight loss! A site called myfitnesspal has helped me lose 30 pounds since the first of the year. Helps you track portion size, calories, etc.

Hitch and Thread said... 3

You poor thing. Hope you feel better soon.

Fabraholic said... 4

Hope you get better soon! It is such a nuisance to be ill. Congrats on your weight loss; I should join you :-)

Carla said... 5

Hi there. I signed up for the Scrappy Bee as well. Is there a place to sign up as a follower of your blog?

Debra said... 6

Sounds like you have what i just managed to shake....a cold like no other before...very different for me. Get well soon, drink lots of fluids. I love your drawer you scored from work, lucky you!! Thanks for welcoming me to the bee!

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