Monday, April 2, 2012

Fresh Sewing Day, April 2012 Edition

April Fresh Sewing Mosaic

Um... I made a crazy number of blocks in March. Thirty-three of them! I also finished three hexie flowers, and basted enough hexagons for another five. The photos show five completed flowers only because I'd never bothered to photograph them before (at least that I remember).

In addition, I received the fabrics to participate in another quilt-along, Sandi's Ironwork* Quilt Along. She colored her sample in oranges and purples, and I suckered myself into spending the money and diving in. I also decided on colors and some fabrics for the Stitch N' Bitch BOM project - I'm going to finally do more than pet and stare at my Eclipse fabrics. I did some more work on my Double Wedding Ring piecing - lots more to do, but at least I did some sewing on it.

In the meantime, I've got the bits and pieces for a new project started. I have a lot of HSTs left over from piecing for The Farmer's Wife sampler, since I'm using strip methods. The plan is to use them, and scraps leftover from the neutrals used in the blocks to make a mini.

I got some new storage for my fabric! An office was being cleaned out at work, and I wandered in during the proceedings. The most awesome vintage and multi-colored cabinet was there! I claimed it on the spot.

Vintage Cabinet
Only after getting it home did I discover that the shelf slides out, making everything accessible. And, it locks!

Storage Solutions
I swear, that little feature is the best. Kiddo can't get into the thread any more!

I'll end up re-painting this  beast at some time the future - but not all one color, and only when I have some yard space so that I can sand and prime it first. Unfortunately, house hunting is going to have to
wait, even though I qualified for an awesome home loan - hubby's car decided to throw its exhaust and catalytic converter. I refuse to drop $500+ on parts into the thing, so we're going to look at vehicles tomorrow.

Lily's Quilts
Check out what everyone else has posted for Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts!


Lucy | Charm About You said... 1

That is a lot of blocks!! Looks great :)
I love the vintage cabinet too, cool!

cauchy09 said... 2

wow, those blocks are each quite lovely, but breathtaking all together!

CapitolaQuilter said... 3

The choice of fabrics for your many...many... many... blocks is so rich and wonderful. Congratulation on cranking out all that beauty in one month.

Hitch and Thread said... 4

Crazy amount of blocks. Love the cabinet too!

MariQuilts said... 5

Wow those blocks look fabulous all together.

Fabraholic said... 6

How on earth do you manage to do such much, and so beautiful things?

Lynne said... 7

What a great "find".


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