Sunday, May 27, 2012

More BOM Blocks

I wanted to get as many of these blocks done as as I could this weekend. Why? Because I have a design in mind! And I want to see it come to fruition. However, I felt scummy all Saturday, and spent most of the day napping.

I got a grand total of two blocks done, and one of those was a remake, so I really only ended up one block ahead of where I was. Still, I have tomorrow off!

Shasta Daisy, Version Two and still too small!

Yup, that's right. My second attempt  at Shasta Daisy was undersized. It came out too big the first time because I used my other sewing machine, which automatically sews a scant quarter inch seam. So, using that sewing machine, with the 'rounded up' directions from EQ7 resulted in a block that was too big. This second attempt was using my normal machine, which sews an exact quarter inch seam, using the 'rounded down' directions from EQ7. Yeah, 'nuff said, right?

I'll go back tonight and make the correctly sized version tonight.

Moss Rose

Once again, all prints are from Joann's. I love the whimsy of this particular gray print. Slightly undersized, because of the needle-placement versus instructions snafu, but I made enough adjustments while cutting to cover it.

And, of course, once I'd completed this block, I happened across a stash of about six gray and yellow prints that I'd purchased earlier in the year. Now I really want to piece more blocks, to get more variety into this top.


Lynne said... 1

Always something on the go! I hope you have fully recovered from your strep throat.

BTW, I have read all your posts from 1 March forward (hurrah for a faster internet connection); I didn't comment on a lot of them because that word verification thing drives me crazy! As I said on an earlier post, I take my hat off to you for the Farmer's Wife blocks - especially the amount you did in March.

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